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AW Conqueror Std Sans FONT Download

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Download nowPublisher: Typofonderie
AW Conqueror Std Sans Font Family was published by Typofonderie. AW Conqueror Std Sans contains 1 styles and family package options.

AW Conqueror Sans was born out of this desire to fuse geometric and humanistic sans. It remains a typeface fundamentally influenced by both Bauhaus spirit - with its simplified geometric forms - and Jan Tschichold's attempts to link this modular spirit to Eric Gill's humanist sans serif. AW Conqueror Sans is a claimed French synthesis of Germanic Modernism and English classical tradition.

Spheres of influence

The core set of capitals are based on the proportions of the Roman capitals like Futura, Erbar, Nobel, Johnston, Gill Sans. During the 1930s, the Futura was a true success. Since then, Monotype offered a geometric version of the Gill Sans, and Linotype added Futura-like variants to WA Dwiggins' Metro. AW Conqueror Sans is kind of a "fusion" of this approach. The lower case "b, d, p, q" are also directly influenced by Eric Gill's, while the "y" is influenced by some of Jan Tschichold's alphabets. In italics, drawn narrower, AW Conqueror Sans reinterprets Gill's idea: a rigorous italic like a roman but which sometimes reveals some aspects of a Renaissance italic.

AW Conqueror Sans and its extensions

AW Conqueror Sans is the initial reference point for an extended family, including AW Conqueror Inline, Slab, Carved, Didot. The potential of these mixed families is powerful. Because AW Conqueror typefaces are based on an identical structure, and compatible proportions.

File Size: 15.63 MB

You can use this font for:
- Design projects: create images or vector artwork, including logos
- Website publishing: create a Web Project to add any font from our service to your website
- PDFs: embed fonts in PDFs for viewing and printing
- Video and broadcast: use fonts to create in-house or commercial video content and more
- The fonts are designed to work on MacOS (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft)

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