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Blacker Mono FONT Download

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Download nowPublisher: Zetafonts
Blacker Mono Font Family was published by Zetafonts. Blacker Mono contains 11 styles and family package options.

Blacker mono was developed out of a brief by Isabella Ahmadzadeh, by Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini and Francesco Canovaro for the editorial project "A beautiful mistake" by OFFF Tlv in 2022. It is a monospaced version of our typeface Blacker, bringing its "evil serif" aesthetics in the realm of typewriter and coding typefaces. In designing these, usually the letterforms are deformed to better fill the space, but in Blacker Mono only the serifs are modified to balance letters, while letter skeletons are kept consistent with the ones of the original Blacker family. This gives the typeface an uneven, unexpected rhythm, underlined by the unusual choice of providing three optical sizes and some extreme display weights - both uncommon choices in monospaced fonts. The resulting typefamily is thought for use in editorial situations where readability must be married by a strong personality, and is complemented by all the wide array of Open Type features that are present in all Blacker variants, from positional numerals to small case letters and alternates.

Font Family:
· Blacker Mono Light
· Blacker Mono Book
· Blacker Mono Regular B
· Blacker Mono Regular
· Blacker Mono Medium
· Blacker Mono Bold B
· Blacker Mono Bold
· Blacker Mono Extra Bold
· Blacker Mono Heavy
· Blacker Mono Variable

File Size: 13.50 MB

Supported languages: '+data.supported_languages+'

You can use this font for:
- Design projects: create images or vector artwork, including logos
- Website publishing: create a Web Project to add any font from our service to your website
- PDFs: embed fonts in PDFs for viewing and printing
- Video and broadcast: use fonts to create in-house or commercial video content and more
- The fonts are designed to work on MacOS (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft)

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