Each letter has at least one alternate, allowing you to play around and make your text look like more natural hand lettering. The font also includes 30 letter combination ligatures to create better flow. The alternates and ligatures allow you to customize the look of your text, keep it natural and create endless combinations.
This font is great for designers - outlining your text in this font allows for further adjustments and alignments to make the script look even more natural and handwritten.
Fonts have been a passion of mine for years, and now as a hand lettering artist, I'm finally releasing my first font! This has truly been a passion project, and I hope this font has just the magic you've been looking for.
What do you get? BonjourMonAmour.otf
To see and use the ligatures, use the glyphs panel. In Photoshop, go to Window Glyphs and in Illustrator go to Window Type Glyphs.
To turn your text into shapes that can be further aligned, in Illustrator select your type, right click and select "create outline." Then go to Object Ungroup. Now you can move around each individual letter to your liking, regroup them by selecting them all and using cmd+g, and then scale them to your desired size.
Enjoy! Jenna