Meet Eireann Signature Script, a handwritten font that mimics the look & feel of random scrawly notes. A bit feminine in nature, Eireann is thin & fashionable, but still quite impactful. Eireann Signature Script includes a set of lowercase alternates so that you can customize your text just a bit more, and 41 ligatures that make this font super powerful and unique.
Eireann Signature Script is an excellent fit for:
- logo design + branding projects
- print design, like magazines & flyers that need a bold feminine script
- header elements + websites that draw attention
- quote graphics for social media
- projects in the fashion industry, high end creatives, and luxury product lines
Eireann includes:
- full upper + lowercase characters
- numbers + punctuation
- Western European Language Support
- 26 alternates
- 41 ligatures
- PUA-encoding
- .otf, .ttf, and webfont files