Emmylou is a beautiful signature font duo that will work wonders for you logos, posters, social media posts, branding, packaging, blog posts, wedding invitations and much more.
Emmylou font duo contains Emmylou Signature and Emmylou Sans, a swirly signature script and a high contrast sans serif.
There are a lot of signature fonts out there but what sets Emmylou apart is the 10 different weights (from thin to bold) and 3 styles (Normal, Slanted and Extra Slanted).
Emmylou Signature also includes over 100 ligatures as well as stylistic alternates.
Pair Emmylou Signature with Emmylou Sans - a high contrast sans serif with +300 characters (uppercase & lowercase) and support for +28 languages.
CREATIVE MARKET BONUS: Included is also 10 free logo templates. You can design your next project in a matter of seconds or use them as a basis for inspiration. The templates comes in .ai, .eps and .psd.
Included in the family:
The Emmylou family supports at least 28 languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanisch, Swedish, Turkish, Zulu.