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Firm FONT Download

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Download nowPublisher: Larin Type Co.
File Types: OTF, TTF, EOT, WOFF

Firm is a black sans serif font.

Perfectly attracts attention due to its shapes. with it, you can highlight important information in your text, and it is also perfect for creating a logo.This font represents alternates lowercase, ampersand and ligatures, math symbols, arrows, fractions, and multilingual support.

Following international symbols support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅĄÇĆÈÉÊËĘÌÍÎÏÐÑŃŁÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜŚŠŸÝŹŻŽßàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿąćęłńśšźżž

Zip includes:

Firm .otf .ttf .woff. woff2. eot.

If you need help, just write me!

Enjoy using!

File Types: OTF, TTF, EOT, WOFF
File Size: 17.60 MB

You can use this font for:
- Design projects: create images or vector artwork, including logos
- Website publishing: create a Web Project to add any font from our service to your website
- PDFs: embed fonts in PDFs for viewing and printing
- Video and broadcast: use fonts to create in-house or commercial video content and more
- The fonts are designed to work on MacOS (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft)
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