Want to save over 95% by purchasing in a bundle + gain access to all future font releases?
Check out my All-Inclusive Font Bundle: https://creativemarket.com/BeckMcCormick/1755868-All-Inclusive-Font-Bundle
Florida Girl Sans is a crisp, simple, clean sans family that includes regular, medium, & bold weights -- that's only $2 a font!
Includes Western European language support for the following characters: AÀÁÂÃÄÅCÇDÐEÈÉÊËIÌÍÎÏNÑOØÒÓÔÕÖUÙÜÚÛWẂŴẄẀYÝŸỲŸÆŒßÞþ
Want a badass script to pair it with? Check out Florida Girl Script, which includes the regular version of Florida Girl Sans!