Rosaline Bridge Script font comes with a signature style that is made with hand scratches but with some variations on digital, with classic themes and beautiful feminine signatures but thick so it is suitable for design needs for wedding themes, logotype signatures, quotes, crafts, and still many, with Rosaline Bridge's opentype features more beautiful and attractive to be used as typography art that is tailored to the needs.
Opentype Feature; Ligature Salt Ss01-Ss03 Swash smcp
File Font: Opentype (otf) Truetype (ttf)
Rosaline Bridge Script fonts can be run with several design software that support feature features, such as Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and some other design software, can also use character maps, please give your review and feel free to send messages and emails if you have problems regarding the Rosaline Bridge font, we are open to providing the best solution for you.