Hello good people!
We introduce our new product called Samantha Signature
Samantha Signature is a signature font that you can use to make a design for logo branding, poster headline, magazines, book titles, business cards, beautiful fashion designs, advertisements, product designs, wedding invitation, signature or handwritten quote.
Samantha Signature font including alternates, 100+ ligatures and includes 52 textured swashes. Enable the OpenType Stylistic alternates, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS/CC, Adobe Indesign CS/CC, Adobe Photoshop CS/CC, CorelDraw X6-X7 & Microsoft Office. a font that made the hand by having the character up and down like a dancer. Freestyle has a very unique style of signature, it is very suitable for use in the work of modern design.
Files Included: Samantha (OTF) Samantha (TTF) Samantha (WOFF)
Features: Basic Latin A -Z and a – z Number International Symbol International glyphs Alternatif Ligature Swashs
Languages supported: Breton, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Estonian,French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Romanian, Scottish Gaelic, Slovak, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, English, Finnish, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Welsh. Basically, all european languages that are based on latin alphabet
If you need help or advice, please contact me by e-mail " [email protected] "