Introducing our new font, Sandstone!
Sandstone - Handwritten Script is a signature style script that contain many ligatures, underlines, and support multi language. This font also support PUA Encoded!
You can make your signature, quote, or even a headline title of your next project. This font also fit for pair to font such a serif or sans.
Happy Designing!
Don't hesitate message us via Creative Market's Messages. Thank You!
File Types: OTF, JPG, TTF
File Size: 284.55 KB
Release date: February 21, 2018
You can use this font for:
- Design projects: create images or vector artwork, including logos
- Website publishing: create a Web Project to add any font from our service to your website
- PDFs: embed fonts in PDFs for viewing and printing
- Video and broadcast: use fonts to create in-house or commercial video content and more
- The fonts are designed to work on MacOS (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft)