Scratchapalooza is a quick and dirty hipstery typeface. Can be used as a display font and works great for those moody photos.
1. Scratchapalooza Thin Scratchapalooza Thin still offers that quick and dirty feel, but with less scratchiness. It gives good contrast when paired with Regular or Bold.
2. Scratchapalooza Regular Scratchapalooza Regular is a great display font. It contains lower and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation.
3. Scratchapalooza Bold Scratchapalooza Bold offers thicker lines than Regular, and offers good contrast when paired with Regular or Thin. It contains lower and uppercase letters, numbers and punctuation.
3. Scratchapalooza Black Scratchapalooza Black offers a heavy and clunky feel. It gives good contrast when paired with Regular or Thin.
4. Presentation jpegs One typeface title jpeg, five presentation jpegs highlighting each font and three inspiration jpegs.
All fonts are in OTF format. If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]. Please enjoy creating some hipster moodiness with this typeface.