Shapers is a simple hand drawn font inspired by surfboard shapers quick chicken scratch notes and dimensions. A fun and playful font perfect for branding, logos, packaging, posters and typographic lockups.
We hope you enjoy using this font as much as we enjoyed creating it. Follow our shop to stay up to date on our next drop.
Desktop License Use includes one license, which can be used for:
Logos Branding Packaging Posters Products
What's included:
Shapers (All caps) Numbers
Desktop License Use does not accommodate:
App use or web use where customers can use the font to customize products (i.e. if you're creating an app or site that uses embedded fonts to customize, like Over or Ebook use. Downloadable/customizable PDFs. Server upload (if you need more than one designer to have access to the files, a separate license needs to be purchased for each designer or person requiring the files).