Introducing Summerback Script, a handwritten signature style font. This chic, stylish font features a messy, casual look, mimicking handwriting.
Summerback Script is best for:
- logos + branding, like fashion brands, beauty brands, cosmetics, and health brands
- website design + website accents - think design blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, & more
- clean print design, like magazines + flyers
- header elements that need handwritten touch
- quote graphics for social media
Summerback Script includes:
- full upper + lowercase characters
- numbers + punctuation
- 26 lowercase alternate characters
- 34 ligatures - ab, ad, ah, ak, al, am, an, ar, bb, bl, cc, ch, ck, cl, dd, ee, er, ff, fi, fl, fo, gg, ll, mm, nn, oo, pp, rr, sh, sl, ss, st, th, tt
- Western European Language Support
- PUA-encoding
- .otf, .ttf, and webfont files